Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Protection Cluster
Country: Ukraine
Protection Concerns
- In October 2015, the ceasefire in eastern Ukraine continued to be adhered to in general, though isolated exchanges of fire between Ukrainian armed forces and the armed groups – mostly from small arms and light weapons – were reported almost on a daily basis.
- HRMMU/OHCHR recorded 38 civilian casualties (ten killed and 28 injured) in the conflict zone during October. In total, since mid-April 2014 until 31 October 2015, at least 8,529 people (including Ukrainian armed forces, civilians and members of the armed groups) have been killed, and at least 17,974 injured in the conflict zone of eastern Ukraine. This is an OHCHR conservative estimate based on available data.
- Access of international humanitarian organizations remains very limited in NGCA and particularly affects protection activities, which most remain suspended.
- Pedestrian passage through Stanychno-Luhans’ke was opened on 27 October. In addition to the 3 existing official corridors in Donets’k oblast, it is the first corridor in Luhans’k oblast under the provision on Temporary Order.
- The queues at check points continue to be very long, creating protection concerns especially with the dropping temperatures. Of particular concern is the high number of children who are more sensitive to the cold. It has been reported that only very small children (0-1 years) are prioritized in the queues as the number of children is too high to prioritize them all. There is a need in tents and heaters at check points, in addition to the importance of allowing public transportation.
- Mine risk around the check points and along the contact line remains a severe concern with continuous reports of injuries and deaths. 89 per cent of casualties in October were caused by Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) and Improvised Explosive Devises (IEDs) (80 per cent of those killed and 93 per cent of those injured) as per OHCHR monitoring. The long waiting time creates particular problems for families with young children who grow impatient while waiting and want to run around outside of the safe area.
- GBV sub cluster local partners report an increase in the number of sex workers along the contact line in places with high military concentration. The far-reaching psychological implications, as well as life-threatening health implications of survival sex are a growing concern given the high HIV/AIDS infection rates in Ukraine, particularly in conflict affected cities such as Donets’k.
- IDPs in Ukraine were deprived of the right to vote during local elections held on 25 October. Only two IDPs from Crimea challenged this prohibition in the court and were entitled to vote. However, only one of them managed to take advantage of this decision, since the second received a copy of the decision after the election day.
- The Ukraine Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) decided that the 2016 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) will promote a concept of a ‘Protection Lens’ to ensure protection issues are mainstreamed in all projects submitted by partners in the HRP (especially nonProtection projects). A specific guidance note was developed to help partners in the design of their projects together wit